i arrive in london at 17 sept... today is 17th dec....i've been here for 3 months.... wow...... it felt so long yet it past so fast...but come to realizing it.. i din do much for the last 3 months... went parties n drinkign all those things... it does not feel like enjoying lives...... tru parties everyone is too drubk to even remeber hu u met at the party.. basiccaly its crap.. its jus anotehr excuse to get drunk n get laid.. u dun make real frens out of it.. places i've been to is not much.. central london, wing yip golders green edgware west hondon oxford circus picadally circus thorpe park.. i mean london is liek so big...... everthing u see is building... old old buildings..... dunno haunted pun tak tahu.. so gonna take the oppotunity thsi holiday to travel explore as many places as possible.... but the snow n the cold.... jus gonna hav to get over it.... its gonna be august soon.... time to go home.......!!!