after all the chaos n stress of coursework... in 7 hours.. my misery is over...!!! uni is ending.. for the term that is. then X-MAS HOLIDAYS!!!!... it started to snow yesterday... it was cold n slippery everywhere.... tonite it snowed reli heavily... it means onli one thing!!!! SNOW FIGHT!!! went out side n stated throwin snowbalss at ppl... strangers n friends.... dun care... see someone??? jus throw...... got totally drenched... ice smashed, thrown, squeezed everywhre... from the hair to head to face even put ice into clothes... tried to put into kahjie's pants but failed... Ceh!!! Snowman!!! equiped wit the inportant parts of the body...*ahem ahem* had fun today.... a perfect ending to the term n year 2009... WHAT NEXT???? SHOPPING!!!!!
i'm so envy. i would like to play with snow also...