Tuesday, 19 March 2013

another day another blog.. this time took 2 days off again... but there nth to do at al... woke up at 8am but been sloppy n lazy the entire day and now it's 10 pm. with no accomplishment for the day. I thought could get some rest afetr whole packed month of oncalls but I never thought it would be that boring to stay at home. Maybe I should go out tommorrow... Anyway I been thinking of opening a new blog for fan fiction. Well.. big fan of korean culture....Should I?
Workis ok i guess so far.. no arguements big sometimes disagreements do happen.. Generation gap i think..But it does not mean one person get to insult what the person is not familiar with... its music to some this age but you from another generation has no right to call them noise n rubbish.. right??? haih.. The new boss manager came.. we are now no longer under Mr.Tan. which i say is a great manager to the lab, who just got promoted to director. The new manager Mr.Loh is kinda..i dunnoo....
 He keeps making weird suggestion  and wanting impossible things.. i got a feeling that the lab is gonna change drastically  once old tauke leaves the lab...
well thats all for now.. tommorrow will be a new day.. still an off day for me.... then back to work on thursday.. not much to say today but at least it can get some things out of my head so i can sleep better tonight.
Well,, took the doctor's order to get a good night sleep... that all for today..