now its 3 months later. no updates maybe course there nth to update... after january assigments lab reports dissertation.. all work comes pouring in... then now exams. when will it ends.. i reli reli hate studying..... exams season.. stress for exams.. will i pass or will i fail... thats waht worries me.....i hav never stress like this forever in my life. firt time in my laife i actually study 24 hours straight without sleeping....could not sleep in peace.. if im stressing for exams, wht the hell am i doing updating my blog at 2 in the morning when the cellular patology paper starts in 7 hours???? simply cause i kenot study anymore... my brain has stop working... but i mus be able last for few more hours.. after tomolo's paper,, then then the last paper.... haematology!! haih....!! worries are never ending...
i reli reli ned to study now.. no no regrets laetr if i fail my exams.......... sleep after exams..................!!!!! good luck to me....
Wednesday, 28 April 2010
Wednesday, 27 January 2010
this is just the beginning of the year.. but so much thing happened. but im glad i got frens n family to give me support and love to get me through the tough times although i'm still on the way... that is y this blog is called my miserable but blessful life. but i hav to think positive n try my best n to move foward.. there is no point thinking of the past n cry over it.. let bygones be bygones.... that is all i can say..... About the irritation.. at the end it did turned to hate... i lost respect for the person after all.. she does not deserve my respect when she dun even respect ppl... n so fake.....u are your true self when u are cunning n stabbing ppl's back. u shown it lots of times but we closed one eye cuz u are our fren.. but now u climbed over our head. THIS IS WENT IT ALL STOPS!! no more means no more.... u hurt our feelings too much for us stand it anymore.. we will not take it anymore.. we are now starting to answer u back questioning back every statement that u make that hurt our feeling.let's see how small can u be.... think before u say anything.if u don start noew n change... u are going to lose ur frens... since u onl i have us here, soon u gonna lose us also... all frustrations coming out.. i wanna say tis to the person face but its beter not to.. but a blog is a blog... this is my diary.. so i'm gonna write wht i want.. not follow along what ppl say n change opinion to mke myself sound like an angel hu is paranoid bout bieng clean hu uses 10min to wash a cup that has been used to drink onli WATER.....
Friday, 8 January 2010
OMG!!! i been eating the entire day... wake up eat 5 bread then eat instant noodles... then finished the entire box of ritz crackers( not the mine ones), then eat cereal wt no taste so add nescafe... still no taste add.. add nutella... n now im drinking another cup of nescafe..... above all that ive been sitting in front of com since i waoke up this mroning.... alamak.. gemuk la macam itu..... but i still kent stop eating... after finish coffee now i wann eat dduk bokk gi... kinche chigae...BIBIMBAP!! OMG!!! I WOULD KILL TO EAT NOW~~ NANDOS!!! been thinking bout it since few days ago.. not my fav plce or food to eat but ...-_-" ... the place i reli wanna is the korean rest called kimchee in golders green. omg.. i love the place.. prices ar kinda above average by couple pounds... but the food ws worth it...all i can think of is food i wanna eat ... n i mean now!!! im still not ful.... keep eating nonstop... all stock finish... onli left 4 flavours of tea n coffee... gonna hav to go out tesco to buy.. but little more expensive but 1 min away....or cheaper n more choises but hav to walk all the way to asda bout 20 to 30 min away.......... but so far....n cold... plus its snowing..... n the bus fair went up.. haih... onli left 62 pens in my purse all 1 and 2p coins..... enuf lor to buy one loaf of bread 59p.. should i go tomolo?? asda or tesco??? pls be sunny!!! but no diff.. its sunny but its neg4...
HAIH......... i hate the cold.... winter faster over n let spring take over nw...
dunno y suddenly feel so wanna eat... n i got no more food left.... today alone i think i finish of bout 50% of waht i bought now food supply is 0%..
HAIH......... i hate the cold.... winter faster over n let spring take over nw...
dunno y suddenly feel so wanna eat... n i got no more food left.... today alone i think i finish of bout 50% of waht i bought now food supply is 0%..
Monday, 4 January 2010
nobody is perfect in this world.... y the hell do u hav to correct each n everything single thing ppl say??? someone say sumthing understand fine.. y muz u correct every singlr thing even pronounciation.... esp when u interuPt someone talking to correct somebody............... GET THE FUCK OVER IT!!!! n hu are u to give love advices to omeone when u urself could not understand y ppl some love someone thier entire life n don believe in marriage..... n u never hav even a bf before...... u dn even know the feeeling of being in love or liking someone or in a relationship.......... hu the hell are u to give advices.?????? y do u complain about anything and everything...??? literally!!!!!! u complain from food to water to air.... ur even worse than mr.monk!!!!!! n we know u like super super clean............ but i could not stand u being so noisy aboutt us being not clean jus because i don bath for one hour minimum....FOOD!!! my god.... every nite complain too salty too no taste too spicy.... SHUT THE FUCK UP!!. but ask her to cook .... big excuse..... know how to call someone to learn if dunno but sendiri macan itu.... this is what a hipocrit is........... i got so annoyed by u.... jus don make annoying to hate... its up to u..... u onli hav to do one thing!!!!! SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!
Friday, 1 January 2010

Boxing day is the day to go chopping ppl... prices drop like hell... NEXT selling as low as 4pounds. ZARA dresses bout 20pds LA SENZA, HARRODS, RIVER ISLAND, CLARKS, JOHN LEWIS, GAP, BODY SHOP prices drop.... HEAVEN!!!! 5 days of shoppping spree.................. attach each n every store baju by baju.. miss one u miss a veop to ry good deal.. perfumes n makeup.. fcuk, dkny,versace, armani all half price of the discount price... makes is rund 20pounds... but the crowd was horrible.. going to oxford circus was terrible... but looking at this prices... IT WAS ALL SO WORTH IT....fisrt day went oxford circus.... hactic.. but grabbing n snatchinng things... it was fun..hehehe... second day went to harrods.. everthing so expensive.............. saw a stunning valentino dress......after discount is 1000pounds... go figure the real price.. but no harm wishing of owning one...... saw vera wang wedding dress........ so nice... so elegant....... HAIH!!!!!!!!!!!!! no nit to mention the price oso.... n hu the hell wanna use a 10000pds pen?? its 8000pnds after discoun.. YEAH that makes a big diff......siao eh..buat apa nak canggih canggih... buy 70 sen use rosak throw.. third day went back to return stuff or exchange things..... n more shopping.... but boght nth but body glove..... body butter for onli 5 pound..... i love the papaya, orange and the peach flavour.. then balik to normal time table..... SLEEP!!!!! wish malaysia hv this kind of sale...hahhahaha....
Bought christmas gifts for everyone.... funky 'so called' sunglasses. its the spririt of giving!!. love my frens here lotss.. but miss those back to malaysia.... amy yen yen...... sue sue lin lin.... fong fong theng theng........... miss u oh..... wait for me come back oh.. dun kah win lari wit eddick n jimmy oh.........
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